Ever get those little flutters of happiness in your belly? I had about a hundred and three of those today, all within minutes of each other. It might have to do with what happened at church but I won't go into all that on the blog. Just know that I was very happy about seating arrangements in church today. Veeeeerry happy indeed. Plus there's the fact that E and I ding dong ditched our neighbors a few times. Or that we jumped on our couch. Or that we jumped around outside, trying to be lady like in our skirts while doing so. These things can't hurt either...
The fact that I have this happy face sitting next to me on the couch.

Or that in my new Facebook picture, you can see the picture of me and E behind me.

Or that these are sitting on my kitchen counter.

Actually, I think that the events at church still win.
Oh Randi youve gotta tell more about church;] Whats his name that you were sitting by? Haha♥
Cute Randi! Your blog makes me so happy. :) I want to know the identity of this fellow too... ;) for the life of me I can't remember....
ha love this! just found your blog, love it! i like you picture of the scriptures on your side bar. brilliant!!!
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