I've been really happy lately. I could say it's because I have eight weeks of school left, or that the sun has been out, or that I'm wearing red lipstick today.
But really, its been my Heavenly Father who's been helping me out. I returned from Spring Break feeling down and colorless. I didn't want to come back to school. Some of my classes have been really demanding and are wearing me down. I was here because I was should be at school, not because I wanted to be.
Then, I got a letter. It gave me hope. It made me feel like me again. Bits of wisdom were tucked in between funny stories and compliments. Pictures made me laugh. And then I was reminded of many things that my Heavenly Father has told me. I don't know why that letter was such a trigger for so many emotions but I felt alive again after I read it. I rejoiced that it was raining, I rejoiced in the funny things my kids in Special Needs Institute said, the way that Susie's nose crinkles when she laughs at me and Udell's loud questions of, "How are you today!?"
The next day, I sat in a study area of the building for the next class I had. I was reading my scriptures and all the sudden I had a divine thought come to me that was followed by an intense burning of love and approval from my Heavenly Father. I went to the temple. I cried tears of joy before I participated in the service that was to be done. I felt again, the overwhelming, burning sense of love within myself, the love that only a Father can give. Again, the Lord showed that love for me with the opportunity for a new calling and a more physical gift of appreciation.
I have been validated for reasons that I do not know. I have received answers to questions that had filled my mind for the past weeks. I have been blessed.
Oh I love this post! I hope things stay this way for you!
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