-you try to put off doing groceries until you realize that you have nothing to use to pack a lunch for tomorrow..or eat for dinner...so you begrudgingly leave.
-upon returning from said trip, the first thing you excitedly say to your roommate is, "I HAVE FOOD!!!!!!!!!"
-you're still putting off laundry.
-going to bed early is a reward.
-you try to figure out how many things you can buy with change i.e. pennies and nickles.
-highlighters are you're new best friend.
-when three exams in one week start sounding pretty doable. that or you're just trying to kid yourself. or you're in denial. let's go with the latter.
-when your teacher says you can bring one page of notes for the exam if you so choose...and your first thought is, "four chapters? challenge accepted."
yes, i now have carpal tunnel.
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